Who we are

We're a small but mighty team of people that are frustrated with sales.

Why we’re doing this

Some people might say sales is easy…

But you and I know that sales is hard. It takes a special type of person to do this.

It's brutal work. At times it feels unforgiving. Prospects can be painful. Deals fall through.

But for a select group of people, it seems easy.

For them, they can move deals faster than you. They're always invited to President's club. The CEO knows them by name.

You know why they can do this? Practice.

They put in the hours and paid their dues.

What if you could get those years of experience in a fraction of the time?

What if you could get their practice, without their years?

That's our goal with bot prospect.

We give you dummy prospects to practice with. A safe place for you to hone your skills without risking a deal.

Our ultimate goal is to help make sales easy for you.